How to improve the sand production efficiency of the river pebble sand-making machine

The river pebble sand making machine is an important piece of equipment for sand and gravel processing in the artificial sand production line, and its sand production efficiency is closely related to the overall benefit of the sand production line. So, what skills can effectively improve the sand production efficiency of the river pebble sand-making machine?

river pebble sand-making machine

What factors will affect the sand production efficiency of the river pebble sand-making machine?

1. Improper operation

Although the river pebble sand making machine is relatively simple to operate, the output of the river pebble sand-making machine may also be below if the user does not follow the instructions provided for reasonable and standardized operation, or does not install and operate under the manufacturer’s guidance.

2. Uneven feeding

Too much or too little feed will affect the normal operation of the pebble sand-making machine. Too much will cause blockage, increase the load of the host, increase the stress on the bearing, and easily lead to overload.

3. Post-maintenance is not in place

Proper maintenance can prolong the life of the equipment, and the life of the pebble sand-making machine will also affect its production output and sand production efficiency.

river pebble sand-making machine

4. Choose an inappropriate sand making plan

Dry sand making should be used for river pebbles with high water content, otherwise, the materials will stick together and affect the production efficiency of the equipment. Therefore, the selection of a reasonable sand-making plan is also one of the main factors affecting sand-making efficiency.

5. The properties of raw materials of machine-made sand

The raw material of machine-made sand is also a major factor. If the raw material contains a large amount of fine powder, this fine powder can easily adhere to the equipment, thus affecting the sand production efficiency of the pebble sand-making machine.

river pebble sand-making machine

How to improve the sand production efficiency of the river pebble sand-making machine?

1. Replace the spindle of the sand making machine in time

The balance of the main shaft is very important to the normal operation of the sand making machine, but the main shaft is easy to wear, so it is necessary to replace the main shaft every once in a while and clean it during the replacement process, and then add lubricant to make the main shaft serve better Sand making machine and auxiliary river pebble sand making machine for high output.

2. Regularly check the wear of the internal parts of the sand making machine

If the worn parts are not replaced in time, it will not only delay production, affect the sand production efficiency of the pebble sand-making machine, but also cause great damage to the equipment itself in severe cases. So get into the habit of checking your equipment regularly and replacing worn parts promptly.

3. Pay attention to the tightness of the power transmission belt

Excessive tension will affect the power transmission of the motor to the river pebble sand making machine, thereby affecting the sand production efficiency of the river pebble sand-making machine. Therefore, pay attention to the tightness of the power transmission belt.

The above introduces 5 factors that affect the sand production efficiency of the river pebble sand making machine and 3 techniques to improve the sand production efficiency of the river pebble sand making machine. The river pebble sand-making machine should pay attention to these points in the production process to avoid equipment failure. Affect the normal production of machine-made sand.

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