4 Things That You Never Expect On Vibrating Screen

The vibrating screen is a very important auxiliary equipment in sand production. Once it fails, it will directly affect the normal operation of the production line. This article will give you an analysis of several common faults.

vibrating screen

1. Shaft Fracture

Generally, the circular vibrating screen is mainly driven by a motor to drive a vibrator with an eccentric mass to generate vibration. In the vibration process, the shaft is the key component that drives the circular vibrating screen to vibrate, and at the same time, it is subjected to a greater force. Therefore, in actual use, shaft fracture is a relatively common fault. Once the shaft fracture problem occurs, the circular vibrating screen will immediately stop working, and its maintenance is more complicated, so great attention must be paid.


Long-term metal fatigue or poor shaft material. The shaft of the circular vibrating screen is a metal material. Under the action of long-term impact torque, the internal material of the shaft will gradually fatigue, and when the fatigue limit is reached, a fracture will occur.


It is recommended that when purchasing a circular vibrating screen, you must choose a regular manufacturer to ensure that the components are selected reasonably. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to start the circular vibrating screen with materials to ensure that the circular vibrating screen can only be started without materials. Strengthen daily maintenance and inspection, and check the shaft regularly.


2. Transmission Failure

The vibrating screen is mainly composed of a vibrator, screen box, support or suspension device, transmission device, and other components. Once a transmission failure occurs, the circular vibrating screen will be unusable, which will seriously affect normal production.


Common drive failures of the circular vibrating screen include wear of the coupling, broken connecting bolts and cracked protective cylinder, damage to the bearing of the belt pulley, and belt tear.


The operator of the circular vibrating screen needs to conduct preventive inspections on the transmission part on a regular basis. In the inspection process, it is particularly necessary to pay attention to the longitudinal and lateral clearance of the bearing to ensure that the spacing meets the requirements. It is also necessary to add lubricating oil in time to avoid serious wear.


3. Bearing Temperature is Too High

Too high bearing temperature is also a common fault in the use of circular vibrating screens. Although bearing temperature is too high, it will not immediately have a direct impact on production, but if the temperature continues to be too high for a long time, it will inevitably affect the service life of the bearing. Big impact.


The working time of the circular vibrating screen is too long. Long-term work will inevitably generate a certain amount of heat, which will promote the volatilization of the lubricating oil, and the volatilization of the lubricating oil will further increase the friction and increase the temperature.


The running time of the circular vibrating screen needs to be reasonably arranged to improve the operating efficiency of the equipment, avoid long-term continuous work, and it can be closed in time when the circular vibrating screen is not needed.


4. The Screen Surface Ages Faster

The main factors affecting the aging of the screen surface are the structure, material, and tension of the screen surface. At this stage, most of the screen surfaces used in circular vibrating screens are polyurethane screen surfaces, that is, a layer of polyurethane is covered on the screen surface.


The anti-aging performance of polyurethane itself is not very high; in addition, the staff did not tighten the screen surface when installing the screen surface, which is the cause of accelerated aging of the screen surface.


Need to choose a high-quality screen surface. When installing the screen surface, it is necessary to tighten the screen surface as much as possible. The screen surface that has been aging and cannot be used needs to be replaced in time to avoid greater problems.

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