What Problems Are Encountered In The Operation Of Silica Sand Sieve

Date: May. 04, 2021

Silica Sand Sieve

1. The bearing is overheated

Under normal circumstances, the silica sand sieve has an empty test run for 4 hours, and the bearing temperature should be maintained at 35~60℃. If the bearing temperature is too high during the test run, the following reasons may exist.

1) Bearing radial clearance is too small

Because the bearing on the silica sand sieve carries a large load, the frequency is high, and the load is always changing, so the bearing must adopt a large clearance.

2) The bearing gland is too tight

There must be a certain gap between the gland of the silica sand sieve and the outer ring of the bearing to ensure normal heat dissipation and a certain axial movement of the bearing. The gap can be adjusted by the gasket between the end cover and the bearing seat.

3) Bearing oil problem

The bearing is out of oil or too much. Oil pollution or inconsistent oil quality. At this time, it is necessary to fill the bearing with oil, clean, replace the oil and seal, and check the oil quality and oil filling condition. Daily check whether the bearing is worn or not.

Silica Sand Sieve

2. The sound of the silica sand sieve is abnormal when it is running

1) Damaged spring

When the spring is damaged, a lot of noise will be generated. At this time, the spring should be replaced in time to prevent production accidents.

2) Bearing wear

When the bearing is worn severely, loud noises will be generated. At this time, stop the silica sand sieve and replace the bearing in time.

3) The bolts fixing the bearing are loose

Loose bolts that fix the bearing will cause abnormal noise during the operation of the silica sand sieve. At this time, the bolts should be tightened in time.

4) The silica sand sieve is not tightened

When the sieve is not tightened, it will cause abnormal sound when the sieve is running, and affect the screening effect of the sieve. At this time, the sieve should be tightened in time.

Silica Sand Sieve

3. The technical indicators of the sieve during operation do not meet the requirements

1) The silica sand sieve cannot be started or the amplitude is too small

When the vibrating screen cannot be started or the amplitude is too small, first consider whether there is an electrical fault. Damage to the motor, insufficient voltage, etc. can cause failures. When there is no problem in the above aspects, start from the mechanical aspect. Whether the material on the screen surface is heavily accumulated if so, it should be removed in time. Whether the coupling bolts on the vibration exciter fall off and whether the grease is agglomerated, if it is, fasten the bolts and replace the grease in time.

2) The speed of the silica sand sieve is not enough

Insufficient speed may be due to electrical reasons. At this time, the cause should be found and dealt with in time. It may also be that the transmission tape is too loose. At this time, the transmission tape should be tensioned.

3) The vibration of the silica sand sieve is weak

The weak vibration force may be caused by the incorrect or too-light weight on the flywheel. At this time, the weight on the flywheel should be adjusted.

4) The amplitude of the four points of the silica sand sieve is inconsistent

The inconsistency of the amplitude of the four points of the sieve may be caused by the unsynchronized operation of the two exciters on the same axis or material segregation. At this time, the adjustment should be made to synchronize the work of the two exciters to eliminate material segregation in time.

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